Marden Creek Restoration project (Township of Guelph/Eramosa)
Ted Arnott gave the following remarks at an event in the Township of Guelph/Eramosa on
November 9, 2010, recognizing the Marden Creek Restoration project:
Good afternoon.
It’s great to be here on this glorious afternoon, along with my colleague in elected public service,
Mayor Chris White.
On behalf of the Province of Ontario, I’m glad to have this chance to acknowledge your hard
work, and celebrate your achievement.
We’re told that when it comes to the preservation of our natural environment, we should think
globally and act locally. Clearly you have taken this advice and made it your credo.
The Speed River watershed, the Marden Creek area and the adjacent properties, our area’s flora
and fauna, and all the rest of us are the beneficiaries of your efforts.
To all the partners who worked together on this:
The Wellington County Stewardship Council, Trout Unlimited Canada, the Guelph International
Resource Centre, everyone associated with the Ignatius Jesuit Centre, the Dam Working Group,
and all who had a part, please accept our warmest thanks.
You are engaged in a worthy project that will benefit our area for years to come, and one that
future generations will look back upon and say:
They cared, they had a vision, they worked together, and they made it happen.