Statement from PC Critic for Economic Development, Employment, and Infrastructure
Ted Arnott, MPP
Wellington-Halton Hills
October 10, 2014
Statement from PC Critic for Economic Development,
Employment, and Infrastructure Ted Arnott
(Wellington-Halton Hills) – “Better than anticipated employment numbers across the country are
an encouraging sign and represent good news for Canadians.
However, even though Ontario experienced positive job gains in September, the reality is our
unemployment rate remains stubbornly high at 7.1%. Locally, the Canadian Press reported this
morning that in Waterloo Region the unemployment rate actually rose from 6.4% to 6.7%.
The Liberal Government’s job creation record is their single greatest failure, going back to the
2008-09 recession. Ontario’s unemployment has now stood higher than the national average
for 93 consecutive months.
Despite September’s gains, the Liberal Government has done little to encourage job growth.
High payroll taxes inhibit job creation, especially for small business. The Government’s talk of a
new Ontario Retirement Pension Plan (ORPP), which would trigger a significant increase in
payroll costs for business, is already discouraging job creation in Ontario.
I believe the Government needs to make a concerted effort to reduce the tax and red tape
burden on Ontario businesses, and get hydro rates, government spending, and the debt under
– 30 –
Ted Arnott, MPP
Phone: 416-325-3880