June 2020
In times of crisis, leaders emerge. They empathize, encourage, support, plan, explain and inspire. We have seen genuine leadership day after day since the threat of COVID – 19 became a reality. The daily announcements continue, and all orders of government have stepped up to address the challenge head on. Our local community organizations, including our hospital, […]
May 14th, 2020
Just like we asked our grandparents, future generations will likely ask us what it was like living in 2020. My answer might be this: For us, 2020 started like every new year. We had many challenges to tackle, but we were excited about what the year would bring, and as always, hopeful […]
April 30, 2020
April 1917: The four divisions of the Canadian Corps join together and captured Vimy Ridge. April 1980: Terry Fox began his Marathon of Hope, bringing the nation together in support of cancer research. April 2020: Communities across Canada come together to help neighbours, collect Personal Protective Equipment, and celebrate our frontline workers. Dear Friends in […]
April 16, 2020
Dear Friends in Wellington-Halton Hills: Together, we are confronting the COVID-19 public health emergency. It is unprecedented in most of our lifetimes, but we are up to this challenge. We continue to stay at home as much as possible, and practice physical distancing when we must be out. While this has slowed the spread of the […]
April 9, 2020
Dear Friends in Wellington-Halton Hills: Together, we continue to confront the COVID-19 public health emergency. As we have seen, our efforts to stay home when we can and practice physical distancing have had a positive impact, but we must continue these measures to not only flatten and plank the curve. I would be the first […]
April 2, 2020
Dear Friends in Wellington-Halton Hills: Together, we continue to confront the COVID-19 public health emergency. Everyone is pulling together and doing their part, particularly those working on the “frontlines.” While we continue to practice physical distancing, there are many people who continue to work to ensure we are safe, healthy, and have access to the […]